Achieve your short-term goals with a JN Partner Plan contractual account.
The JN Cayman Partner Plan makes it easy for you to save towards specific goals or meet personal expenses, such as back-to-school costs, Christmas shopping or a well-deserved vacation. With the JN Cayman Partner Plan your money is safe and your draw is guaranteed. Plus, you get a little extra on top of your draw!
New customers (18+) must open a regular savings account to qualify
Existing customers with a savings account are eligible once their information is up-to-date
Make weekly, deposits via auto transfers.
One flat processing fee of CI$20
Choose the size of your hand: CI$250 for 24 weeks, CI$55 for 32 weeks and CI$1,000 for 48 weeks
Whether you're new to saving or an experienced saver, enjoy a wide-range of benefits with one simple savings account from JN Cayman

With the JN Cayman Partner Plan your money is safe and your draw is guaranteed.
Plus, you get extra on top of your draw
- Online banking using JN Cayman Live
- Competitive interest rate
- Bonus payments
- Security
- No breakage fee
- Loan facility available
Interest Rates
- *conditions apply
Required Documents for new customers:
- Passport ID or Photo Card Drivers Licence and Proof of Citizenship*
- Job Letter or Employment Contract/Self Employment Verification
- Proof of Residential Address – utility bill in accountholder’s name not older than three (3) months; completed Address Verification Form
- Character Reference (2 for unemployed/retired)
- Bank Reference (length of Banking relationship > 3 years); if student, reference from educational institution attended
- Customer Information Form duly completed
- FATCA individual self-certification
* Notarisation required if not certified in person